How to Prepare Your RV for the Summer Months with RV Carports!

How to Prepare Your RV for the Summer Months with RV Carports
Most people thinking about RV storage solutions probably conjure images of sealing your vehicle away for the winter months. What you don't hear as much about is how an RV carport can prepare your vehicle for the summer road!
When not in operation, vehicles of all shapes and sizes are susceptible to the elements. Harsh UV rays, high winds, rain, and debris rain down on these automobiles daily, causing untold amounts of damage over time. These UV rays can penetrate vehicle clear coats, fading paint, cracking components, and dry rotting crucial fixtures like plugs and seals.
So, much like storing your RV away for the winter, you’ll need to prepare for the hotter, humid months and the issues they can cause. To help, we’ve put together a handy guide on how to prep your RV for the summer season.
Why Worry About it?
If you've purchased a recreational vehicle, you already know just how much of an investment it can be. Above and beyond regular cars and trucks, RVs have a ton of requirements to keep them road-ready. Let’s take a deeper look at the hazards that can damage your vehicle over time:
1. UV Damage
UV light can cause enormous amounts of harm given enough time. It can fade even the heartiest paint jobs. It can destroy the protective layers that protect your vehicle's paint job. It can even dry out rubber and plastic components, wearing them out years before they should fail.
2. High Temperatures
Closed vehicles can become unbearably hot if left exposed to high temperatures and direct sunlight for extended periods. This heat might not do much more than make you sweat profusely but, if left over time, can cause immense destruction to your RV's interior.
3. Tire Issues
Another important aspect of your RV will be to maintain the tires. Leaving them stationary in a dry, hot environment for long periods can introduce dry rot. This rot can cause your tires to crack and crumble, costing you a fortune in replacements.
A Simple Plan to Protect Your RV – An RV Carport
During the summer months, certain regions of the southern US can see temperatures soaring well over triple digits. This heat, combined with an unending exposure to sunlight, will devastate any vehicle in its path. That's why it's so important to protect your recreational vehicles, motorhomes, or buses from these elemental hazards. And a steel RV carport is just the solution you need.
These structures are incredibly durable, can be built to any size, and are designed to last for years with minimal need for repair. And the best part? They're a far more affordable option compared to similar wooden buildings! Unlike temporary storage answers such as cloth custom RV covers and tarps, steel RV carports are designed to keep your vehicles in pristine condition for years with minimal need for repairs or maintenance. They're naturally resistant to moisture, mold, mildew, pests, and just about anything you can throw at them.
How to Prepare Your RV for the Summer Months
Now that we've covered everything that can go wrong with your RV, let's talk about how you can keep it in prime working condition! Below, we've put together a checklist to ensure your vehicle is up and running no matter the season.
1. Allow your RV to air out by opening all doors and windows.
That musty smell that accumulates in a closed-up vehicle? That's the smell of millions of dust particles finding their way into your cushions, seats, and interior fabrics. But by opening the doors and windows frequently, you can minimize this and keep your RV properly aired out.
2. Check for mold.
From your RV's roof to the interior and everywhere in between, you'll want to carefully check for signs of mold. Mold can cause untold damages if left alone long enough. But by spraying everything with bleach and cleaning solution, you can keep the mold at bay.
3. Open vents and replace filters.
Over time, vents in your vehicle can become jammed with dirt or residue. Additionally, air filters will need to be regularly replaced to ensure that your vehicle maintains a healthy air quality. Failure to do so can cause illnesses and respiratory issues.
4. Check for pests.
From mice to wood-boring insects, pests can ravage any vehicle. That's why checking your vehicle for infestations regularly is essential. Luckily, steel buildings and RV covers are naturally pest-resistant, keeping your RV free of these nuisances.
5. Check and maintain batteries.
You’ll also want to check any batteries your RV may have. This includes the vehicle battery, fire alarms, and any redundancy systems you might have. Keeping these components well-maintained is a surefire way to ensure your vehicle keeps working at all times.
6. Check seals and cracks.
Another way to keep your RV running smoothly is to check any seals and cracks that might have formed. With fluctuating temperatures, many components can shift, swell, or move, allowing cracks and seals to open.
7. Check the engine.
This one's a no-brainer! Carefully maintaining your vehicle's engine, even when not in regular use, is crucial to extending the lifespan of your RV. As such, you'll want to continuously check and top off fluids and inspect components such as plugs, seals, and gaskets.
8. Check tires!
Keeping your tires filled up is just a minute portion of ensuring they're safe. You'll want to keep them properly rotated and checked over for any defects or issues that might get worse over time. Taking a small amount of time to keep these aspects in good order will save you tons of headaches down the line.
RV Carports Are an Investment Worth Protecting
If you live in a region that regularly sees violent weather patterns or heavy accumulations of snow, you’ll greatly benefit from an RV carport. These steel structures are some of the only building types that are designed to take on almost anything Mother Nature can throw at it. From high winds to seismic forces and even fires up to 1,200 degrees, a steel RV carport has your most valuable possessions covered.
So, why not extend the life of your vehicle? You paid for it! And if properly maintained, both your RV and the carport protecting it will last a lifetime!
Coast to Coast Carports is Your Dedicated Manufacturer of RV Carports
No matter where you call home, Coast to Coast Carports has you covered with a wide selection of metal structures. From custom RV carports to full-sized garages and everything in between, we have the experience to deliver a quality, long-lasting product.
So, if you’ve been thinking of the best way to keep your RV in working order, you’ve come to the right place. Give us a call today at (866) 681-7846 and let our team of building specialists help you design and build a structure that works for you and your vehicles.