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Home / Articles / 14 Gauge vs. 12 Gauge Framing: Which is Better for Your Next Florida Metal Building Project
14 Gauge vs. 12 Gauge Framing
14Mar 2022Metal Buildings

14 Gauge vs. 12 Gauge Framing: Which is Better for Your Next Florida Metal Building Project

14 Gauge vs. 12 Gauge Framing

Steel Gauging: What is it?

If you’re familiar with gauging, you already know the golden rule – the lower the gauge number, the thicker the material. This is true for everything from pipes to earrings. And this principle is no different when it comes to the frame of prefab metal buildings. But what thickness should the framing on your structure be? Knowing what you need can be difficult if you're not immediately acquainted with steel buildings. So that's why we're here! Let's take a deeper dive into the world of metal buildings to help you find out what you need for your newest building project.

What’s the Difference Between 14-Gauge and 12-Gauge Framing?

Beyond sheer thickness levels, the main difference between 14 and 12 gauge framing comes down to two aspects: strength and value. Thicker steel will be stronger and more resilient against natural forces like wind and snow loads, but it will also cost more. And what if you don't really need thicker steel?

• 14-Gauge Steel Buildings

This framing thickness is an extremely popular choice for most light-gauge steel buildings. It's more than strong enough to take on most applications, and these metal building components are regarded as some of the most cost-effective choices in the industry. It's also thick enough to be fully certified, guaranteeing that it’s capable of handling the wind and snow loads in most states of the US.

• 12-Gauge Steel Buildings

12-gauge framing is thicker than its 14-gauge counterpart, offering a significantly stronger structure as a result. This gauge is the go-to choice to ensure your structure can stand up to high winds in areas that frequently see severe weather patterns. In fact, it's even required in some areas of the US for certification. Additionally, 12-gauge framing is the industry standard for most commercial and industrial applications due to its strength.

For most residential projects, 14-gauge frames are more than sufficient for keeping your building standing pretty. But if you expect your structure to regularly experience strains and load-bearing situations, 12-gauge frames are a great reinforcement. The thickness of your framing does, however, affect the final price of your structure. Thicker frames require more steel, ultimately driving up the cost.

Which Steel Frame Gauge is Right for Living in Florida’s Climate

If you've ever visited the Sunshine State, you are well aware of its volatile weather. This region of the US often experiences extreme thunderstorms, flooding, hail, tornados, and even hurricanes. In fact, since 2000, the state has been hit by a whopping 79 tropical storms of varying intensity. So many that the state can expect to be affected by at least one per season. So, if you call Florida home, what does that mean for your new metal building?

Depending on where in the state you live, you will most likely want to invest in thicker gauge framing. Many times, the thickness of your building’s structure will come down to the local building codes and permits you’ll require. It’s always important to check with your area’s building inspectors to secure the proper permits. Most regulations in this state require 12-gauge framing for any building taller than ten feet. However, you may prefer to invest in these reinforcements if you live along the coast or in an area that frequently sees high winds and tropical storms. Even though there is technically no such thing as a ‘hurricane-proof’ or ‘tornado-proof’ structure, reinforced framing and the sheer strength of steel construction will always be your best bet.

Coast to Coast Carports is Here to Provide Some of the Best Metal Buildings in Florida!

Purchasing a metal building is a big investment! And with any such investment, it pays to perform the necessary due diligence. Taking the time to understand your needs and requirements will go a tremendously long way in the end. And a part of that process is understanding what gauge of framing you’ll require. 14-gauge framing is the residential standard, but you may need more if you’re planning a commercial business or live in an area that is frequently hit by nasty weather.

But no matter where in the Sunshine State you call home, you can bet that Coast to Coast Carports has your back! We’re proud to offer a wide variety of metal structures and metal building kits to suit almost any need. From smaller residential carports and garages to commercial spaces and industrial facilities, we’ve got the skills and experience to get the job done right! So, if you’ve been putting off purchasing a new steel structure, the time to act is now! Get your new structure installed before storm season hits! Give us a call today at ☎ (866) 681-7846 and let our dedicated team of building experts help you craft, customize, and realize the building you want!

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